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Slang for "Please fuck me harder daddy, I'm a little femboy who wants to be fucked real bad"

Person 1: 💀
Person 2: What the fuck?

by Cunningcurryinacan March 1, 2023


Slang to describe someone's utter hatred towards black people

Person 1: Hello
Person 2: Man, black people should be slaves again. 😇😇😇😇😇
Person 1: What the fuck?

by Cunningcurryinacan March 1, 2023

3👍 15👎


What 12 - 14 year-olds try to come back from an insult but "KYS" is all they can think of.

Kid 1: KYS
Kid 2: Shut the fuck up.

by Cunningcurryinacan March 1, 2023