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Black scene kid

A black scene kid is a scene kid of african-american descent who dresses in the fashion/style of scene and listen to music alot of scenester listen to. Including:

o Emo and Screamo

o Black scene kids may find that pulling off the look may be harder for them because the make up and hair often times are made more so to cater to people who are of fair or pale skin and straight hair.

o A lot of scene hairstyles require straight, flexable hair that, when hair stiffner is applied, will hold the often times, spikey or wild hairstlyes that scenesters wear. More typical black-american hair is curly, kinky, or 'nappy' and not straight.

o Most scenesters wear skinny jeans, like HelloKitty female, have their own unique picture poses and wear slip-on shoes/Vans and have many other uniquely-scene approaches to things.

o Alot of scenesters wear either dark or bright make up or clothing, that on some black-americans might not be so flattering on darker skin.

o Black-american scenesters may face a certain stigma from their community and from other black-americans because the style of "scene" is not very typical to the style of most black-americans. This stigma may also come from the closed minded approach that black-americans have to fit a certain stereo-type that is often times placed upon other black-americans by themselves and others.

Please keep in mind, people have the freedom to express themselves how ever they want to and should not be discriminated against because of such. Individuality is the greatest form of personal expression and if one chooses to be a "scenester" then let them be who they are.

**Please keep in mind, also, I am black. I am in no way shape or form self-hating, racist, a scene kid or anything of that nature, I just just feel that I know enough on the subject to post a definition. If you don't like my definition post your own like I did.**

Example of a close minded black-american's take on a Black scene kid:

"What the hell is wrong with that nigga? Why is his hair straight? Is that nigga a fag?"

Example of a closed mined black-american stereo-typing black-americans:

"He can't be black! Black people don't dress like that! That's hella WHITE."

by CuriousKatt August 13, 2009

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