One of the well known trolls of YouTube since 2014, where satirical rants on PewDiePie, Markiplier, and all the rest of them were made. Some laughed, some were angry, but in the end, we will always remember the wonderful memories we had with him.
Rest easy, soldier
Griffin Alexander Klaus, better known as Dillon The Hacker, passed away on the 28th of July 2019 at the young age of 20. His cause of death is unknown, but many speculate suicide as said by his best friend BG Kumbi.
He may be gone, but not forgotten, not yet.
5👍 1👎
I'm more of in it cos i wanna see people make fun of 'jokes' that aren't close to funny.
I'm close to loosing it to this gacha community, they ruin everything they can find. So fuck your childhood , they've ruined it. Fuck your favorite games/songs/franchise/book or whatever, they've ruined it. They're like King Midas, everything they touch turns is ruined
This isn't the game's fault, I dunno about the developer though
But I'm honestly curious what would happen if the games suddenly disappeared
The majority of the gacha community is shit, the other minority is the shit
30👍 26👎
Top-tier character got rejected from top-tier game, can't you believe it?
Waluigi is love, Waluigi is life
At one point may trigger my fight or flight if seen or heard
uwu, i've seen too much shit on the internet involving this, it gives me ptsd every time but that's just an exaggeration. it is my fault that i'm like this though i can't help myself, it became an instinct.
if it's on a face, then it depends on how it's either being portrayed or what it's on, like put it on cartoon giraffe and i guess i'll make an exception.
I've seen some where it's on gacha faces, and cos of the community's sexual tendencies or overwhelming stupidity, i never get a positive feeling out of it anymore. And that's sad considering it's on a children's game, a fucking game for kids and they ruined it.
owo, may be slightly better or worse than uwu but i don't exactly have a preference.