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When the online "sensation" Urban dictionary keeps rejecting any term you have came up with for unknown, unexplained, uncalled for, Boink, Bullshit reasons, and all you can do is wonder what the hell is wrong with it, while some frat boy jacks off to motzart laughing at people posts on urban dictionary, when really this is supposed to be some free willy dictionary that YOU are supposed to write so there should be no reason they shouldnt published, when unsanitary and disgusting words like a Dirty Sanchez, or racist terms like nigga are posted and all you really wanted was to post a damn term to call someone that all they want is sex.

Dude, Urban dictionary wouldnt let me post montey!

Person: Are you serious why?

Person: Idk they Urbanned my word with the banhammer

Person: What pricks!

by DAVVEEEEE January 8, 2009

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