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Cake eater

A member of a fire department in Northern Virginia in a rich city or town who goes to no fire....ever....but talks about it like they are actually God's gift to the fire service. They are big on training because that's the only action they will ever see. These people are typically characterized by: clean gear but somehow manage to have a helmet shield that looks like it's been in an oven--probably because it has been, at least 4 flashlights hanging off of them, a helmet that has 3 door chalks and 27 stickers on it, and a Facebook page that shows just how good of a firefighter they are(n't). Also see "wacker," or "fire wacker."

Jefferson: "Bro, remember that car fire we went to back last summer? I really put that shit out good. It was all, like, I'm on fire. And I was all like, I'm doing it, bro, im putting this shit out. I'm fucking awesome."

Bill: "You fucking cake eater."

by DCFF July 4, 2015

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