Pawnie is someone whose presence means the world to whomever she graces with it. Pawnie is motivation during difficult times. Because of the presence that Pawnie's bring, life feels beautiful. Pawnie is a person who will always be by your side through thick and thin....their unwavering bravery and courage is a defining feature of their personality. Pawnie's know exactly what to say during sad times to invoke the more happier emotions. Pawnie represents stability in life by being a mental and emotional support. It can never express in words how Pawnie's make life feel like a paradise. They produce good moods, funny moments during the most unexpected times. They are fit and fierce and when backed into a corner...only produce diamonds under pressure. They define their own name. If you ever exist in the same area as a Pawnie...chances already know.
Girl: "I feel the presence of a Pawnie nearby!"