Catchy acronym for "Drunk Ass Bitch" (n.), an extreme case of intoxication usually accompanied by overly-loud slurred speech, stumbling, or frequent sexual advances that are typically out-of-character and attention-getting for the intoxicated
Verb forms: "to dabble" or "dabbing"
Popular amongst elitist pseudo-intellectual hipster circles
Origin debated, earliest usage recorded on networking sites, such as Twitter Tumblr and Facebook, in 2008 from Minnesota, USA. Predecessor to the acronym HAB
"Hey babe, how'd you like to dabble with this PBR?"
"Damn that DAB fell down the stairs!"
"You be dabbin' like Lady Gaga in dem Alexander McQueens"
22👍 98👎
Catchy acronym for "High Ass Bitch" (n.), an extreme case usually accompanied by copious amounts of giggling or obnoxious behaviours, creating a less relaxed or disruptive atmosphere
Can be used as a Verb, as in "to habble" or "habing"
Popular amongst elitist pseudo-intellectual hipster circles
Origin debated, usage found on networking sites, such as Twitter Tumblr and Facebook, since 2008 from Nor Cal to Minnesota
"Are you a HAB or a HAB not?"
10👍 13👎