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FSU is a gang started by Bruce Sartwell in 1986 in New Hampshire, Portland Maine, New Haven Connecticut and Boston Massachusetts. The gang is an offshoot of several Neo-Nazi Skinhead groups and White Power organizations including the Hammerskins, the Aryan Nation and the Aryan Brotherhood. The group would commit Hate Crime robberies and beatings of blacks, Jews, Latinos and homosexuals, particularly targeting minorities in the underground punk/hardcore music scene and drug dealers whom they would rob and sell the drugs themselves. After moving from city to city and changing their names to avoid arrest for their Hate Crimes, the gang “reinvented itself” as an ANTI-RACIST group, which is completely untrue. They self-released a series of videos they made themselves, claiming they were anti-racist and anti-fascist entitled Boston Beatdown Part one and two. The gang then claimed to be from Boston, which the creators were not, and later filmmaker “Elgin James” did a series of interviews claiming he had started the group and that he was from Boston, and “straight edge”. James bragged about seriously harming and killing people in numerous interviews. He did not start this “gang”, and denies his past as a member of several racist white nationalist and white power skinhead groups.

FSU has a long history nationwide for perpetrating Hate Crimes against minorities.

by DMSrudeboy August 1, 2020

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