The religion of Watersheep was created by two very important people in Minecraft, PewDiePie & Watersheep. Watersheep is an official religion created in Bro Land. This religion was founded in June 23, 2019 after Watersheep was tormented and beaten by someone who loved him then killed him, but Watersheep was resurrected he then was held in the council of Water-sheep were PewDiePie worshiped him and he was responsible for every thing that happens to Bro Land. Then later that year PewDiePie had to make the great sacrifice, he had to blow up the council of Watersheep, but since Watersheep is a god he can not be killed, there for watersheep is still watching over us. "WaterSheep was like a father to me, I loved him like my son." -PewDiePie
Religion of WaterSheep- A religion created bye PewDiePie