Source Code


A penis; similar to 50 cent's "magic stick".
P.S. - fuck you urban dictionary I've written 10 excellent entries and none are showing up on your gay site.

I saw this porno last week and a guy pulled his wangstick outta this chick and gave her a pink sock!

by DUTCH May 3, 2003

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The superior way to spell "dude."

J: Yo dood did you do the math homework?
Steve: Hell no.

by DUTCH May 3, 2003

1857πŸ‘ 506πŸ‘Ž


A member of the Indian or Pakistani caste system..I mean culture.

That fuckin' 7-11 Oknod is so cheap he kiked out on giving me my 2 cents change.

by DUTCH May 2, 2003

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

99 bananas

Curious tasting alcohol distributed by Schnapps. 99 proof (49.5% alcoholic content per volume...or whatever). Not reccomended to drink any more than a 99 cents bottle you get at the liquor store counter. After finishing your mini-bottle, have some Malibu and Kool-Aid and just chill.

99 bananas tastes like a fuckin' banana, man.

by DUTCH May 4, 2003

353πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


Chin2.mpeg has changed the lives of many. Friends of mine have been enlightened after I exposed them to the chin2 fella's. It is a great video of two asian young men (could possibly be in the early phases of being gaysians) singing and dancing to a popular asian song called "Jung Hwa Ban Jum." It's about a chinese restaurant but its in Korean or something. Search google to download it, you will not regret it!

I showed Cait chin2.mpeg and she appreciated the fact it comprised of two half-naked, young Korean boys making asses out of themselves.

by DUTCH May 4, 2003

38πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

candy store

Your boy who is handling his business and always has the rocket fuel, aka ski passes, aka llelo

Bring on the blizzard...call up the candy store

by DUTCH January 7, 2004

6πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


(Historically accurate): Name of a negro slave from the Civil-War time period of American History.

Racist Slaveowner: Jupiter get your ass over here before I whoop ya'!
Other Racist: Why'd y'all name your negro Jupiter?
Racist Slaveowner: It's powerful sound and reference to Roman god of all gods, also revered as Jove, instills some pride in me when I call his name.

by DUTCH May 2, 2003

12πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž