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A young human male who ascribes to the old ways of society by thinking men are the superior gender and that women should accept this and be submissive. These beliefs are founded on a life of unsupervised hardcore Internet porn. It should also be noted that while the MRA does believe that the natural order of life has pinned women under men as a part of evolution, the MRA gets most of his food from the grocery store across the street by using his mom's credit card. MRAs are very much about natural order though, except for when it comes to knowing how to hold a knife, how sex actually works, and how to live outside of a sheltered suburban apartment with an Internet connection.

"I am an alpha dog! I am a proud MRA member! Women bow down before me and my G.E.D education! Oh holy fuck! A mosquito just bit me! Oh fuck! I'm allergic! Someone find me my cream! Mom! Oh God, it itches you guys! Ooooooooooo"

by Dadadade February 1, 2015

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