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Qrk was invented by a few stoners when deciding to create a word. They decided to represent q and give it another word. They then decided to not use any vowels and thus created Qrk.
Qrk- Verb
(Pronounced qwerk)
Is when you pass a spliff to a friend and the ash falls onto them.
Qrk- Noun
(Still pronounced qwerk)
Is the ash that falls from a qrking

Verb- "There's a lot of ash, careful it doesn't qrk"
Noun- " There's some qrk on you."

by DaddyButter9 June 21, 2019

6👍 1👎


If a sandcastle is washed away by the tide there is a chance, however minute that this sandcastle will be washed back perfectly the next day, this describes chaos theory. In the same way a member of the friendship group is squiggly, 99.9% of what they do will either go hilariously wrong or they will break something, but that 0.1% of the time they accidentally creat works of wonder. Based on the local folklore of Squiggles McGee in Somerset.

Adjective - "you squiggly sod"
Noun - "he is a squiggle"
Verb - "he squiggled"

by DaddyButter9 June 21, 2019

6👍 1👎


When you have a wank in a Starbucks

"One fapachino please"

by DaddyButter9 August 4, 2019


When it is really impractical to masturbate but you do it anyway

"I was at work and really wanted a wank. It was imfaptical but I had one"

by DaddyButter9 June 21, 2019