"Outta joint" is a Southern phrase meaning "angry", "upset", "worked up", "frustrated" or a time whens someone is not acting normally because they are upset.
1. Boy, when Gramps gets head up his nose gets plumb outta joint.
2. After I told my mom I got an F in English, she got completely outta joint.
3. I can't go out tonight, I said a cuss word and my dad is all outta joint.
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When someone gets their "nose out of joint" or their "nose is all out of joint" it means they are upset, pissed off or holding a grudge. It means the same as being "besides oneself".
1. When Jim told that sexist joke, Annie got her nose out of joint.
2. Jim told his mom to kiss his butt and now her nose is out of joint.
3. Tony got his nose all out of joint after someone said he smelled like B.O.
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When someone is "head up" they are angry or frustrated. It is mostly a Southern saying. You can hear it being said in The Rescuers film and other movies with Southern people.
When Gramps gets head up, his nose gets plumb outta joint
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Goodness gracious is an exclamation of excitement, surprise or frustration. It is a Southern term used primarily as a substitute for cursing, and as such it is a minced oath. Sweet little old ladies use this term a lot.
1. Goodness gracious, Tommy, clean up that room!
2. Goodness gracious, if you don't just look beautiful today, honey!
3. Goodness gracious, I have gas today something fierce.
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A Bunny Boiler refers to the movie Fatal Attraction where Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) boils the family pet, a bunny, of Dan Gallagher's (Michael Douglas) family in retaliation for him rejecting her.
A Bunny Boiler is always a woman. Men are referred by other terms, but the term Bunny Boiler is used only for women.
Guy A: Dude, there is a broad staring at you like she wants to cut your head off.
Guy B: Oh man, that chick is a trip. I tapped that once and now she thinks we're married or something.
Guy A: How bad is it? Is she a Bunny Boiler?
Guy B: Yeah, she may be. This one is a psycho hose beast. I don't have any pets, but if I did I'm sure they'd be part of a stew right now.
Guy A: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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On the farm, sometimes, weeds will sprout out of cow patties. They are called "shitweeds". The term is also used for a person who is miserably disagreeable, an asshole or a jerk, but has a greater depth of meaning. It represents someone who is bad and worthless (like a weed) who was spawned by something equally worthless (like shit). A person who is a "shitweed" is similar to white trash, a low and base person raised by low and base people.
Man #1: "Did you meet Joan's new boyfriend?"
Man #2: "Yeah, he's a piece of work, isn't he?"
Man #1: "I know him and his family, they are all garbage. The guy is a real shitweed!"
Trapping is the act of going to a club and convincing a woman to have sex with you. The word is a homage to men who set traps for beaver so they could sell their pelts. In the modern day usage, men are still setting "traps" for "beaver", except now the traps are the art of persuasion and the "beaver pelt" is a woman's vagina.
Pick-up Artist 1: "Okay, brother, where are we going trapping tonight?"
Pick-up Artist 2: "There is a new club down in Deep Ellum called, 'Clearview", I say we kick it there tonight and see how good the trapping is at that spot."
Pick-up Artist 1: "Sounds good to me, lets call Caleb and Chris and see if they want to go trapping with us".
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