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Chick Quality

Chick Quality.

If a country / city has a high Chick Quality, then there's a lot of hot chicks and not too many uglies. Does a country / city however have a low Chick Quality, well, then it's full of ugly chicks.

Abbreviation: CQ

Sweden - high Chick Quality
Ireland - low Chick Quality

Dude 1: Man, that trip to Dublin was great, though the CQ was pretty damn low!
Dude 2: Yeah, I'm glad to be home again, though our CQ here aint as great as Swedens, it sure is high compared to Ireland!

by Dallester November 10, 2009

Back to base

Back to base. Abbrevated to b2b.

If you're done doing whatever you were doing (a quest in an RPG, shopping at the grocer, finished work for the day, etc etc) and you're about to head home.

Guy 1: We finally killed all the murlocs we needed to, yay!
Guy 2: b2b

Guy 1: So, did we get everything on the list or do we need more cheese for the nachos?
Guy 2: Nah we're fine, lets head back to base

by Dallester October 9, 2009

12👍 3👎


Abbreviation of Chick Quality

Sweden - high Chick Quality
Ireland - low Chick Quality

Dude 1: Man, that trip to Dublin was great, though the CQ was pretty damn low!
Dude 2: Yeah, I'm glad to be home again, though our CQ here aint as great as Swedens, it sure is high compared to Ireland!

by Dallester November 10, 2009

10👍 19👎

Sweet juices of Jerusalem

A way to acknowledge awesomeness. Like saying "Awesome!" - just better.

Dude 1: Oh my god, last night when I came home from town I had some badass midnight munchies, you know what I did?
Dude 2: No dude, what did you do!?
Dude 1: I went to the fridge.. opened it.. and in it I found two steaks and half a chocolate-cake! Such loot!
Dude 2: Sweet juices of Jerusalem, I must say, that is some badass loot for the serious muncher!

by Dallester November 12, 2009

4👍 2👎