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Of or having the belief that individual liberty should be held sacred above all else. People who are libertarian believe in freedom from tyranny and government oppression and want everyone to just follow the golden rule and treat each other as they'd like to be treated also known as the Non-Aggression Principle or NAP which simplified, means that you are to do no harm to others or their property lest they do harm to you. Basically, libertarians just want everybody to be free and to be left alone aside from voluntary interactions.

Dan is libertarian because he believes that his rights are not subject to mob rule and are inherent from birth and not something that can be voted on.

by DanTheUrbanDickMan January 23, 2019

15👍 16👎


Someone too weak and lacking in will to accomplish anything on their own and thus require big government to steal from others and supply them with a decent lifestyle.

Bernie Sanders supporters love being socialist because they want everything for free and have no motivation to earn it themselves.

by DanTheUrbanDickMan January 23, 2019

10👍 7👎

Urban Dick

Person who believe the words and definitions on Urban Dictionary are legitimate.

Urban Dicks are partially responsible for the dumbing down of the population.

Dude: Bro, Bromance is not a real word, you cannot get a quadruple word score.
Bro: Dude, Bromance is totally a word, it's in the Urban Dictionary
Dude: Bro, don't be an Urban Dick.
Bro: Dude, I thought we had a Bromance...

by DanTheUrbanDickMan October 7, 2016


Chevrolet/General Motors fan boy often characterized by his general lack of automotive knowledge and belief that Ford sucks as well as general lack of knowledge about anything other than Budweiser and Skoal products. Usually drives a Camaro, preferably a third gen, IROC-Z being the penultimate. Often found in living in trailer parks with their sister/baby mama and possibly uncle/daddy. Can also often be found on the internet trolling Ford pages talking shit and telling everyone to LS swap their Mustang because they have nothing better to do while their Camaro is in the shop for it's 7th recall.

Ford guy 1: Dude, can you believe Chevtards still think Ford took a bail out?
Ford guy 2: Well, they did take that government loan.
Ford Guy 1: Dude, don't be a Chevtard

Chevtard: My Corvette could smoke any Mustang
Ford guy: well, it should be able to, it has a much larger engine and it's a much smaller, lighter sports car while the Mustang is a pony car, back seat and all.
Chevtard: fuck you let's race
Ford guy: Fine. *wins anyway*

by DanTheUrbanDickMan October 7, 2016