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Someone who stood up to the 'clique' without fear.

Someone who should be admired for not wanting to be a sheep.

Someone who stood up to bullying and wasnt afraid to say what was on his mind. Someone who stood up for his mates, even if it meant making him unpopular. Someone who will be remember long after the cretins who fought so hard to get rid of him.

Someone whose legacy lives on, even today. Dazman was a top bloke. The Hattrick world is poorer for his absence

"Dont let it worry you Dazman, more people back up what you say than you realise. If anyone stands up against them they just get shouted down, like they try to do with you. I reckon alot of it boils down to jealousy. They cant argue their point with you so they just start having a go. They're bothered about you a whole lot more than you're bothered about them. Its as if they need you. Sad cunts with no lives at the end of the day.

That Andiell, what a complete and total wanker. Hes about as funny as cancer. And dont get me started on waynef, Ive known more hilarious bowel movements.

The Clique - A group of people who had to discuss what to say about Daz in their own elite federation. They couldnt just post it, oh no. They had to talk about it first, just to see if everyone found it funny. They crave acceptance with each other. Its all very homo-erotic if you ask me."

by Dangermouse. April 18, 2006

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