Muddlefuddle the common act of muttering and fumbling through a sentence producing nonsense words in succession.
Melanie was upset with Dan and yelled at him in a nonsense dialect. He then accused her outright muddlefuddle of her words.
The act of thinking a women is attractive due to lack of clothing, wet hair etc. Then later find out she is not attractive.
Dan thought Betty by the pool was hot in her bikini. Later seeing her Facebook profile found she was ugly and thus was a victim of "pool honey syndrome".
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The act of saying a series of words in nonsensical order, but somehow still communicating the point.
Mel accused Dan of eating the last Ghirardelli chocolate bar. She broke into a course bibblebabbling sentence.
"You, oh my gosh, why, no I do not like it, no to that!" ( Followed by dolphin like scream)
In close relation to a female's vaginal Kegel exercise. It is the opening and closing of the anus to strengthen muscles in the region keeping it patent.
Jared did a set of butthole push-up prior to his date so his date was not throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
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The act of comparing the stiffness, or status of your labido to cooked spaghetti which is limp and lifeless.
Jim was not into Megan, he was cooked spaghetti.
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Stepping off an elevated level and not realizing it, thus you fall of the level rather than stepping off properly.
The magician not realizing the stages edge was close went ghost step to facial.
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