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The inability to comprehend the emotion associated with a txt message of Social Media post without an accompanying emoji.

Bill assumed this stranger on the internet was arguing with him because txtethymia prevented him from recognizing the stranger was being sarcastic.

by DarkAlman January 15, 2021

The Dave Principle

Society has to move at the speed of the slowest person, ie it only takes one idiot to ruin something good for everyone else.

The Dave Principle states that 1 person ruins it for everyone. "We used to be able to drive as fast as we wanted, and then Dave had to drive faster than he could handle and killed a bunch of people. Now we have speed limits. THANKS DAVE!" -

by DarkAlman March 15, 2021


The feeling of annoyance, fear, or vulnerability associated with having to work with equipment you are unaccustomed too. Like having to write a test you didn't study for.

I'm feeling powless because I had to power Larry's tools today

by DarkAlman October 16, 2021