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Individual or other entity, - see also: corporation, international investment firm or subsidized gas oil world wide off shore drilling gang. that betrays former ideals.
see also: 1968 to 1986

Most important: ((truth in all esoterioc aspects) begs reality)) - individual perception - or the yankee told me that)

What is the opposite of the humainst ideal (is there one?)
Humans in standing are vile and repugnant beasts.

One weird term where the antonym is held within the word iteslf.

The hare had his shallow peice in the forrest at night. The hare had surrvived in such a fickle land for years without paying tribute to the co-op operationalists. It's the picture book reading blasting out from confined "emmes"

so. One who has risen upove the local tv news rooms and have lodged themselves into the history and pop-idol memory of the segment of a given generation.

And. Then use of that cultural power for profit forfeitting their original claims against the "MAN" or an equivalent term used.

See also: Judas Iscariot
final ring of hell

by Darkmanjack August 12, 2005

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