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Term of endearment; heartening

by Dave July 20, 2002

37πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

have a nice week

A term I use to bid farewell to someone who is going to have a week off of work or school.

"Have a nice week. ^_^ "
-something I say to my friends on a friday before the week off of school

by Dave April 2, 2004

26πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is always eating butt, and likes it. Usually a whore or Nathan.

Ali, come on, seriously, you say you need company, but when I come over, you are munching the dog's butt. You are such a buttmunch.

by Dave May 5, 2003

7πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a person with a name Mark Baclay... who lives in carcar cebu and just got off from college -university of san carlos. he wants to be the best of the best architect of the universe... can't beat that huh!

your such a hinampak!

by Dave December 30, 2004

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Supposedly spelt "Tselinoyarsk"; this is the location that will take place in the new Metal Gear Solid 3 game.

Tselinoya(r)sk is a mountainous, jungular region near the border of the Soviet Union.

by Dave September 9, 2004

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An ounce of ganja. Derived from the famous Wizard of Oz. (An oz is an ounce)

I got me a phatt wizard of bashment last night.

by Dave July 2, 2003

57πŸ‘ 222πŸ‘Ž


A place made on sand hence the name. Located in Port Davies under the control of King Duke Lord of Earl (see Duke of Earl) near the Sea of Lloyd. Known for all its fighting, drunkards, and druggies. All residents hate other parts of Port Davies especially Fairfield and Aberavon where the High Sheriff lives.

Sandfields is the place to be!
You are now entering a densely populated area.

by Dave February 9, 2005

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž