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Shafafa (n.)

A word used on projects, committees, task forces, and other human endeavors, to convey one of several meanings:
1) A situation characterized by an absence of order, structure, or sensibility

2) A work product containing little or no relevance or value
3) A person in possession of few or no redeeming qualities; a human nullity (q.v., shafafa-naut)

This project is delivering nothing but shafafa.

by DavePrime9 October 30, 2015


Shafafa-sphere (n)

A communal space that is infused with “shafafa”, and each members a “shafafa-naut” (q.v). Shafafa-spheres tend to be highly stable, slow-moving entities. Those who attempt to disrupt a shafafa-sphere (i.e., by acting as a “voice of reason”, calling for realistic planning, swift action, etc.), typically face grave consequences (e.g., being “voted off the island”), that are meted out with astonishing speed.

That chick is floating around this place without doing anything of value...she's definitely in the shafafa-sphere.

by DavePrime9 December 30, 2016