Source Code


Shit I'm away from here
Is used when someone said something stupid or incredible, mostly used in chats.
A shorter version is SIA shit i'm away.

-i think black poeple should be hold as slaves(this was stupid)

by David2001 January 15, 2017


Away from keyboard

-AFS Away from screen

-somone cheated
•oh, im AFK

-someone said something stupid(chat)

by David2001 January 15, 2017


Yly is a modification of LOL or LEL, it means Yes laugh Yes, it's also used for sarcasm and is usually used in chats.

-joke, YLY

by David2001 January 15, 2017

6👍 5👎


FMP means Facpalm me please

-stupid sentence


by David2001 January 15, 2017


This One Killed

-your dumb
•your mother's dumb
>shiiiiit TOK

by David2001 January 15, 2017


The word to tell someone that someone els is such a douche bag (SDB).

Also often used is just DB or SFDB
Douche Bag / Such a Fucking Douche Bag

-what do you think about Lucien?
•oh, he's SDB

by David2001 January 15, 2017


Shit I'm Out of Here
Is Used when someone says something incredible in the positive or negative way
mostly or usually in chats.
A modification is just IOoH I'm out of here or IFOoH I'm Fucking Out of Here

-what do you think about ...?

by David2001 January 15, 2017