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Meaning: It's over and done with. Whether it's a relationship or a book coming to an end. No longer necessary.

I thought he was so hot yesterday. Today...He's so finished.

by DawnR. September 7, 2006

68👍 25👎


slang for hairdo, hairstyle and wearing it well

That mohawk's a doogun for sure.

by DawnR. September 13, 2006

4👍 8👎

beer happy

Someone who is perky relaxed and giving you the time of day during those first couple of drinks. When they're still fun and awake and just a bit high but focused somewhat. Before they get sick from much more and pass out.

After a long stressful day at work, he needs to get beer happy.

by DawnR. September 13, 2006

4👍 1👎

keep it tight

slang for don't be sloppy or loose, as in hair weave/hair do, your outfit works, keeping your body fit, neat and clean, making your whole image work and rocking it.

Guy A: What do you think of that girl?

Guy B: Man, she keep it tight, dog.

by DawnR. September 13, 2006

190👍 82👎

china rican

Someone whose descent/ethnicity is half chinese half puerto rican.

What nationality is he? His mother's Puerto Rican and his father's Chinese, so he's china rican.

by DawnR. September 7, 2006

13👍 14👎

franco rican

Someone whose descent/nationality is half French and half Puerto Rican.

Her mother's French and her father's Puerto Rican so she considers herself franco rican.

by DawnR. September 7, 2006

1👍 9👎