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A Mac fan that blindly believe that any products produced by Apple Inc. is superior to all other products of the same kind. Such a person believe that Apple is the "de facto standard" of similar products and also believe that Apple is the victim from which others simply copy inventions from.

User 1: Do you thing this ASUS laptop or that Toshiba's is faster? I got so excited after I tried Windows 7.

User 2: Neither, Windows 7 is just Windows. You should get a Mac, "it just works" and doesn't have "thousand of viruses".

User 1: Have you even use Windows 7?

User 2: No, but it is a rebrand of Windows Me and Windows Vista. No matter how much Microsoft try to copy from Mac, Windows 7 is just like putting lipstick on a pig.

Users 1: You are such a Mactard, commenting on a product you haven't even use!

by Day2Die December 6, 2009

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