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the word pikey is a horrid and disgusting word that people use to ref fare to calling gypsy/ travelers and you all need to stop being racist cunts as being a 13 year old travller gal the community that i have to grow up in is bad and we don't need people on urban dictionary making it worse for us we will treat you with respect if you treat us with it as-well. and also romani and irish are two diffrent types of travllers but for yous lot that put it across that Irish travllers are bad its not all of them as my mam is Irish and my dad is romani

gorger: you dirty scummy pikey go get a wash

travller: i dont need to wash and i aint no scummy pikey my house is probably cleaner than yours so shut ya mouth ya silly cunt ..... dordey mush

by Dayna-lee&princesspaige-emily April 4, 2012

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