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A.K.A popularity

One or ones who are in very high status at their respective School, College, Sork, or other "group". Being popular can be based on many different things, sometimes looks or other superfical qualities though rarely can be because they get along with most people in their respective areas. May or may not be snobby, slutty, pretty, mean, or blonde (j/k)...^_^...There are different meanings of popular and anyone can be popular in his/her respective friends/areas

1.)I am popular at such and such High

2.)I am the (beloved) leader within my group of friends/work/other a.k.a i am (popular) with them
P.S. this doesn't work if you are hated..You maybe the head but honey you (excuse the expression) Ain't popular...We secretly hate your guts...

by Death2the_deceased January 1, 2005

16👍 32👎