A japanese Kids show made popular by it's fansubbing by the acclaimed dattebayo. This show opens and ends with crazy complex "Pythagoras Switches" which usually involve marbles, dominos and tubes. At the end or each of these rube Goldberg inventions the name of the show is revealed followed by children singing "Pitagora Suicchi". Because it's a kids show it tries to teach basic speech skills making it a fun way for the average English speaking japanophile to get a beginners grasp of Japanese. The show has also gained some popularity over you-tube which is filled with people performing the so called "algorithm march" which is usually done by tmen in suits in the middle of the show. They often have accompanyment in the form of soccer teams, and ninjas.
pitagora Suicchi is japanese for Pythagoras Switch
34👍 9👎
A japanese Kids show made popular by it's fansubbing by the acclaimed dattebayo. This show opens and ends with crazy complex "Pythagoras Switches" which usually involve marbles, dominos and tubes. At the end or each of these rube Goldberg inventions the name of the show is revealed followed by children singing "Pitagora Suicchi". Because it's a kids show it tries to teach basic speech skills making it a fun way for the average English speaking japanophile to get a beginners grasp of Japanese. The show has also gained some popularity over you-tube which is filled with people performing the so called "algorithm march" which is usually done by tmen in suits in the middle of the show. They often have accompanyment in the form of soccer teams, and ninjas.
pitagora Suicchi is japanese for Pythagoras Switch
17👍 5👎