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The obsession of fat people or the Cannibalistic consumption of overweight people. When you come across an obese person the polite way of acknowledging their condition is by calling them Gibbilicous

Pronounced Gib-ill-ick-oo-us

Skinny Person: Hey buddy, you're looking kinda Gibbilicous over there

Gibbilicous Person: Why thank you, I'm glad you recognized my serious health condition by calling me Gibbilicous instead of calling me obese

by Dennis1Josh January 27, 2020

Kill That Brown Noise

Stop that shit talking. When someone is talking trash, you reply with “Kill that brown noise” to end the trash talking

Person 1: Your girlfriend look like my mom
Person 2: Yo, you better kill that brown noise, homie

by Dennis1Josh November 12, 2019