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Olde English word for the MonCreiffe family in Scotland in Perthshire who live in Crief Scotland. It is the name of the hill overlooking the sacred site of Scone and has been a place of worship since the time of Christ when the Scoto-Picts lived there.
Literally the name means The Hill with the trees on it. The first spelling was in a Charter in 1199, Cref. In a 1641 Scottish Parliment hearing it was spelled Creef, before the translation back to MonCreieffe.

It is generally accepted that the name is Gaelic from the 12th century, Crubha Cnoc.
Another variation is Monadh Craoibhe, pronounced, "MOH-nee KREE-vuh"
The ancient royal palace of the Picts of Forteviot can be seen from the summit of this hill.

The ancient battle, Monad Croibhe, of the Picts was fought there in 28 AD.

The MonCrieffs, MonCreefs, Criefs, Creifs,
Creefs, MunCrief, MonCrieffes, have been around for a long time. Not exactly a clan of Scots, but more of a like people from an ancient civilization that was an is a crossroads between the Highlands of Scotland and the lowlands going to Glasgow and Edinburough.

by Denoter May 21, 2009

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