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noun: a Kroughupt
verb: Kroughupt{ing}

An ancient German love making tradition between an elderly man living in Frankfurt and a newly born mountain goat in the month of June.

In the 1 / 2,912,319,184,214,202.1 chance of gamete fusion in the womb of the mountain goat, a Krougshnapt is produced.

1. "I have not seen Grandfather this morning, he was out all last night Kroughupting"

2. "Keep your goats inside, there is a Kroughupt who lives near"

by DerekMahatijr June 5, 2009

Epsom College

Epsom College is the common name for Professor Xavier's mansion. It is the base of operations and training site of the X-Men and the location of a school for mutant teenagers, the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, formerly Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. It is also the worldwide headquarters of the X-Corporation. It is located in the very clandestine region of Surrey, South-East England. The school's motto is "mutatis mutandis."

In the middle of the quad is the Phoenix Memorial Statue, dedicated to the memory of Jean Grey. Notable rooms include the Danger Room, Sixth form Centre and a room containing Cerebro.

The Headmasters Office of Cyclops and Stevey B is on the top floor. Wilson Pitch is a popular hang-out. Directly below Wilson Pitch is the hangar, which houses many transportation vehicles, as well as aircraft such as the X-Men Blackbird.

I used to attend Epsom College for my education, now I've joined the teaching staff of the common room and become one of the X-Men

by DerekMahatijr June 12, 2009

24πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An Arabian milk man.

Often delivers milk on his magic carpet.

1) "Oh gee-whiz am I thirsty, I could really do with some milk right about now... where on earth is that yadule!?"

by DerekMahatijr June 5, 2009


- noun. derived from the ancient Greek 'Tirianaea' and later given a Latin interpretation of 'Tiriangelesa'

A Tirian is a mythological creature of beauty and finesse that was first supposedly encountered in Greek myth.
'Tirianaea' was the name given to the earth-bound servants of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty who allegedly ostracised the Tirianaea from ever again entering Mount Olympus (the dwelling of the Gods) upon becoming jealous of their radiant beauty and intellect. The Tirianaea were subjected to living mortal lives with no recollection of their godly allegiances or past existence. Whilst they walked amongst humans, they themselves remained mystical creatures that retained their unwieldy beauty as a result of Aphrodite's malevolence.
It was believed that whilst the Tirianaea lived long and prosperous lives, their beauty and morality was a burden and were forever vacillating between decisions and emotions due to the memory vacuum of their majestic and autonomous former lives, causing a sense of lost identity that incoherently drove many companions away.

Thousands of years later, Roman theologists (such as Mertullian) made the link between the Greek Tirianaea and certain beautiful women of legend that had such radiant awe-inspiring beauty yet were never seen more than once. These women were known as "cado angelus" (fallen angels). Sighting's of these women up until this point of coalescence, were ordinarily dismissed as visual misgivings (optical illusions). They were given the Latin name 'Tiriangelesa'.


It has long since been a subject of much controversy whether or not the blood line of these 'fallen angels' was diminished during the period of 'Witch hunts' between the years of 1480 to 1700, or whether there really is any proof that such beings ever really existed.

The modern name for the long since exhausted Legend of fallen angels has come to rest at 'Tirian' since certain rare women display traits of the Tirianaea/Tiriangelesa suggesting that the blood line of these amazing creatures have not been completely diminished.

by DerekMahatijr June 7, 2009

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


I offer a three pronged attack.
After all: "Education, Education, Education"- Tony Blair's 1997 New Labour Manifesto promise.

Labour: Generally Poor Supporters. Believe in re-distribution of income from the wealthy to give all walks of life equality of opportunity.

Conservatives: Generally Wealthy Supporters. Believe that whilst an equality of opportunity is important, people have worked hard to earn what they do and should not lose up to 50% of their hard earned income for it to be spent on a lost cause who gets pregnant at 13 as it is easier to claim benefits than find employment.

Chavs: Britain's new pandemic; courtesy of the Labour party's social policies.

Labour's Grand Idea: "Hey, I know, if we want to give every one an equality of opportunity, let's bring the standard down to such a dire state that it'll be easy to achieve. BRRUUUP BRRUP"

by DerekMahatijr June 6, 2009

52πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


R.H.I.A.N. Stands for Really Heavy Inept Ariel Nonsense.

The name originates from the period of European Witch hunts between the years of 1480 to 1700 and was given to those who were considered the most nefarious of witches.

It has long since been believed that those given the name R.H.I.A.N. are indeed themselves, descendants of the mythological gorgon Medusa whose stare could turn all those who looked at her into stone.
Whilst the 21st Century version of a R.H.I.A.N. is not quite as deadly, looking at one in the eyes still remains a severe health hazard. Common symptoms of 'R.H.I.A.N. poisoning' include swollen/stinging eyes and projectile vomiting as well as a form of neurosis that gives the victim an impulse to self-harm.
R.H.I.A.N.'s are identifiable most prominently by their tribal markings that are commonly located on the lower back as well as their resemblance to a variety of farm yard animals due to centuries of ancestral cross and inter-breeding.
(For example, Susan Boyle bred with a pot-bellied pig would give an accurate perception of what a R.H.I.A.N. is expected to look like.)

Evidence of Witchcraft remaining within the R.H.I.A.N. gene-pool, other than the Medusa-like consequences of eye-contact would be the R.H.I.A.N.'s ability to contort her internal organs and bone structure (similar to that of a snake) to allow for excessive muscle mass and agility. This is demonstrated superbly by the R.H.I.A.N.'s keen racket-ball ability within a confined space despite its cumbersome size.

The mental capacity of a R.H.I.A.N. is far inferior to that of the average human being as amply suggested by its poor vocal abilities and learning disabilities. This is further more stated by the primitive, yet distinguished mating ritual of a R.H.I.A.N. that is similar to that of the Latydropilus Amoeba which latches onto any living organism that shares a similar genetic fabric and produces its offspring without the organism's interaction. A typical R.H.I.A.N. can have up to 3 children children within the first two years of it entering mating age (age 9 onwards).

Recent scientific investigation has given way to an implication that R.H.I.A.N.'s, not unlike Human-beings actually have emotions and suffer from loneliness which accounts for the McDonalds and Bus-stop companions to which gather around the R.H.I.A.N. in their flocks for a chance to mate with this profound creature (see chavs) and keep warm. The R.H.I.A.N.'s size has given reason to suggest that this attraction may not be on the chav's part, desperation at all, but a result of the R.H.I.A.N. having its own very strong gravitational field.

Social reforms are currently being debating in Parliament as to whether or not allow for a " R.H.I.A.N. culling season " in the month of October every other year. This is been subject to much controversy over the recent discovery that R.H.I.A.N.'s may indeed feel and share emotions which would no longer class them as a form of multi-cellular bacteria.

Jade Goody is part R.H.I.A.N.

by DerekMahatijr June 10, 2009

8πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


(pronounced {Clow-Sh-Nap})

The incredibly rare offspring produced as a result of Kroughupting.

Due to the nature of the haploid cells being from two separate species, the zygote formed can have up to 4 chromosomes defining attributes such as sex. In accordance to relativity this would mean that other attributes of the two parent gametes are either foregone or under-developed producing a misshapen and often short-lived creature with no resemblance to either parent. (see Jade Goody).

1. "My husband and I found a Krougshnapt the other day trying to scratch its head but instead it kept poking itself in what can only be described as its nose-eye."

2. Due to the poor genetic fabric of a Krougshnapt, they tend to not live for more than 30 years at maximum.

by DerekMahatijr June 5, 2009