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One Thousand, Three hundred thirty three.
A non-prime number between 1336 and 1338

So far I have typed 1337 characters in my essay of the minimum required 2,000.

by Derkek October 27, 2009

4👍 13👎


A category of the Electronica genre. I find it to be particularly awesome. Great for relaxing, thinking, dancing, and just listening to. Usually your friend might not agree with this and may call it "gay" they aren't true friends, but that's another definition. This is the perfect music to listen all the time.

Me: "Dude, Trance is awesome, come listen to 009 Sound System, Dreamscape!"
"friend": "What ever, that's gay, you should listen to Kanye West."
Me: "No thanks, I'll pass"

by Derkek January 24, 2010

42👍 31👎