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As Albert Einstein famously said, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Karma is basically this. So, kicking some kid in the shin may result in someone seeing you and telling someone of higher authority than and getting you in trouble. That, my friend, is Karma. Karma can be good, too. So, if you did something bad, something bad will happen back to you, the "equal reaction". But, like he said, there is an opposite reaction as well, leaving room for good things to happen.

"I saved some guy's life a few years back, and now he's like a billionaire and we're friends!"
"You just got some o' that good Karma."

by Deskivemma June 19, 2018


The irrational fear of really long words

What's that? You're afraid of long words? Take "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" for a spin, you should be quite familiar with that.

by Deskivemma June 19, 2018