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An Extremely Skilled Person of Extreme Skill.
Someone who has mastered every area of life.
This word is taken from an elite internet user // elite Gamer who went by the Name of Dest_. He had mastered FPS, RTS, MMORPG and also Porn.

man1: omfg!! your So Dest!!
dest_: Ya obv.. im so Dest that Dest himself calls me Dest.

by Dest_ March 22, 2007

42👍 193👎


A playable race on the popular Very Small Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, DOUG+STEVE-CRAFT. The most popular race with special moves such as "Half price Lemons" and "Lemon Zest Throw"

Jalepeno: Zomg Mate I just got pwned by a LemonSeller!
SevenShadows: Yes, Indeed, my good fellow, they are a very popular race and they are also very powerful.

by Dest_ March 22, 2007