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He has trapped the Whore of Babylon Sarah, the Indian trashyass woman, into over investing in the Ontario Place Mega Spa. Leon wants her to build her mega spa because his girlfriend Jesus Christ and his president and commander-in-chief Jesus Christ (the other Jesus) wants to expose her for her crimes, using her puppet Doug Ford to get she wants, using usury debt from both this universe and the alternative universe, as well as stealing wealth from the future.

So go right ahead, destroy Ontario Place. We're rooting for you to build that mega spa. I'm sure Leon and his girlfriend Jesus Christ will love to go to Toronto to see over 600 parking lots and lots of dead trees contributing to climate change for your own selfish gain to be pampered for an hour. It's not like there hundreds of spas around Toronto & the Greater Toronto Area.

Leon and Jesus Christ his president has trapped her and now losing so much money on a failing project that she has to smuggle more money from the alternative universe to finish the project fast. Leon and Jesus Christ his president and commander-in-chief are laughing their asses off as Jesus has recorded all of her crimes. Now she's fucking doomed of eternal Hell fire. Buahahaha!

by DestroyOntarioPlaceBuildTheSpa January 9, 2024

Ontario Place

I'm very excited for Doug Ford to build the mega spa. I have my friend Leon who really wants to see the construction of the Ontario Place Mega Spa. He told me he absolutely regretted donating to a charity organization that advocates stopping the mega spa construction. I agree!

I haven't been into spas, but Therme Canada will do a fantastic job with the spa. Leon has told me he is even became a huge Doug Ford supporter and he's rooting for Doug Ford in the next provincial election in 2026. I agree with Leon 100%! While you're at it Doug Ford, build that 403 as well!

Ontario Place For The Mega Spa!

by DestroyOntarioPlaceBuildTheSpa January 9, 2024