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A stupid Fortnite Streamer Virgin who thinks hes better than you.

(1) Me: Yo what's up man?
Him: I'm upset bro.
Me: Why?
Him: I heard Ninja has more subs on YouTube than Tfue.
Me: Aw shit man, that sucks.
Him: I know right?

(2)Me: Yo I'm pissed dawg!
Him: Me too bro.
Me: Its cuz fuckin Ninja has more dubs than Tfue.
Him: Yeah, I gotta go now though.

(3)Me: Hey honey. Where are my Mouse and Keyboard?
Her: On the desk.
Me: Ok. I'm gonna streamsnipe a Virgin named Ninja on Fortnite

by Destroyer902 February 4, 2019


A dumb 1990's slut who makes bad music.

Hey man, you heard that new Madonna album?

by Destroyer902 February 4, 2019

1👍 1👎