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McKenna is amazing. Her friends support her and she supports them too. She knows when things are wrong with her friends and goes out of her way to help them. She faces many hardships but doesn't let them get the best of her. Sometimes she tries to hide her emotions but always feels better telling her friends. She makes her friends and others around her feel better.

She loves her family to the ends of the earth and loves spending time with them. She is an animal lover and loves spending time with her friends and making new ones. She is very athletic and enjoys sports like soccer. She works very well with a team.

She tries not to stand out in a crowd but with her beauty and personality, it is often hard to. She likes to try new things and stands up for things she believes in; LGBTQ+, women's rights, etc. She is easy to keep as a friend and if you start a fight with her it most likely won't go on for more than a day. She can sometimes be a teacher's pet to the teachers she loves and gets the best grades in her friend group. She doesn't like bragging and doesn't feel 100% confident around anyone but family and friends. She can be very awkward and likes to be unique in her own way. She is very insecure about herself but only cares about what she thinks about herself. She blows off negative comments like feathers. Overall she is the best friend you could have and if you meet her, don't get on her or her friend's bad sides (even though she will always give you second chances).

McKenna is my best friend, I don't want to lose her.

by Dev!lsPet June 26, 2020