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The best girl in the world. She is always loving and can be desperate for love at sometimes. She may say that she wants to parish from the world, but the world would end cause her caring heart would be gone. Nobody understands how powerful she is to me. She holds my hand, she can get a bit loud too. May curse in class... a lot. But her gentle kisses, her warmth from her cuddles. Mean alot to me. Alana's, well they can be sexual most of the time. But my alana, she is the cutest, sexiest person ever. You wouldnt want to let go of a Alana. Not ever. I would never let go of mine. I love her. You would want to spend your life with Alana, too.

Me: "Alana, my girlfriend, is the best girl ever."
Other person: "Damn, I want a Alana!"

by DevCampy October 16, 2018

378👍 53👎


A joke 10 year olds say to one other, to roast people, cause they think it's funny. Mostly used as "Yo Mama" and followed by "so fat" "so stupid" "so ugly"and more. Also, when they finish it laugh at one another cause they think its funny.

Mama also means your mother. But ya know, everyone knows that so we define it as the roasting term

Roaster: Yo mama so stupid when they said "order in the court" she asked for fries and a shake
Everyone else but the kid who is getting roasted: OHHHHHH

by DevCampy October 8, 2018