Local word used to identify as an authentic "Wisconsinite" talking about their beloved State of Wisconsin. Usually used while eating cheese curds a.k.a. "curds" and drinking locally brewed beer such as a "Spotted Cow". Occasionally spelled with two (2) "n"s which is typical after bars close.
I am driving back from Wisconie tomorrow and bringing some curds for the roomies.
Piffle!! is an expression when something that is clearly incorrect, or wrong. Common use is during a baseball game, where the umpire clearly makes the wrong call. Balls and Strikes can't be argued but no one can refute "Piffle"!
(Yelling) Oh Piffle!! (then whispering) I never heard (or saw) the like! That was a strike (ball). Jesus Mary and Joseph my blind grandmother could call this game better than him.