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cop shows

TV shows aka series about police using science and computers to hunt criminals. Usually made by people outrageously ignorant of science or computers to the point of not even googling their shit, as proven by Cracked.com(caused by applectomy?).

Me and my brother were reading Cracked.com article titled "8 Scenes That Prove Hollywood Doesn't Get Technology".
I: Newer cop shows still can't get close to reality, I seen a corpse's closed eyes react to camera flash in The Wire, first shot of 2nd episode.
Brother: o_O Whyyyyyy?! Every lame half-noob can do flashes digitally for free in seconds.
I: Nothing like a baffling fail at faking a corpse in a cop show. :/

by Dhatzster April 22, 2011

6👍 5👎


-plural, contracts "Comp(s)"
-Desktop or Laptop, new forms of hardware emmerge all the time
-What TV shows producers and academy awards ancient voting base(for Oscars) are too old and incapable to know anything more about than "where net is"

-Many thorough idiots think we should care to maintain our hardware, but it's a underdeveloped technology if it endangers itself just by being on(I'm talking dust, humidity and heat, the natural stuff that can damage your hardware over time)

-Are the future whatever they use next, be it another basic material, light or quantum comps, hell, your next console/PC/phone might work as a cloud computing platform. (consult OnLive)

-Every OS has its tricks/ways, cons and pros
-Experinced users can controll their system faster and more efficiently because they know their shortcuts, hotkeys and tricks

Current categorization by OS/pseudo-religion:

Windows = compatible with everything(malware), some releases are more buggy than others, every new Windows has several editions depending how much Microsoft wants to enforce security. Suffers from major obesity because it tries to support everything but then fails, some programs can crash, particularly if you have a 64bit version. Popular(piracy) and a gaming platform as well. BSOD appears (not only)when Hardware fails. The mainstream a reason why qwerty keyboards and mice w/o horizontal scrolling or 5 buttons still rule the lowend in 2011

(continuing cathegorisation of computers)
Mac = largely useless overpriced hipster lure/bling by company Apple that is known to freeze instead of BSODing. They sell it with the hardware THEY like. Objectively making OS X a 64bitwas smart choice. Some pros use it for safety purposes or exclusive programs. Their original mouse design reveals the tradition is clearly "designed for retards". Proof that TV industry is retarded and/or bribed by Apple. The cause of Applectomy. As its only game-suitable API is OpenGL, Valve is almost only company that loves money enough to release games on it. It's stable only because theres hardly any SW or HW for it and noone bothers to develop malware because it is effin niche.

GNU/Linux or just Linux = hacker/pro/server/safety stuff. It used to live in the wild, however some of it was corrupted and commercialized ages ago. Individual distributions of this OS have extra software by default, so in effect you meet this at places trying their best to be safe/cut costs. Has more control when using only keyboard than Windows ever tried. Low end hardware can run only Linux. It's not supported by Onlive or any games really(maybe because of weird control schemes and incoherent distributions getting in the way?). Niche as you can get without going ancient/completely unusable.

by Dhatzster April 22, 2011

7👍 5👎