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1. Noun. A silly but rambunctious friend who is cherished and dear, but who does dumb things (sometimes on purpose, but mostly on accident) that make you laugh.

2. Noun. A cherished stuffed animal, who when you leave the house, parties with his friends, drinks all your liquor and trashes your house, but then won't answer questions or respond once you're back home.

I can't believe how trashed you got! I told you no more parties when I am away! You're such a raboon!

by DiabloDorin80 July 23, 2024


The front part of the neck; space on the body between the collarbone and jaw.

When she put her head on my shoulder and I pulled her closer into my gully, I got chicken skin and my hair stood on end.

by DiabloDorin80 July 23, 2024


1. Noun. The space between couch cushions or car seats where things go, never to be found again or are impossible to recover.

2. Noun. The spaces in the human body where it’s cozy like or sexy/fun.

I think I lost my phone. Nah, just check the couch crevical.


Hey gurrrrrl, lemme get all up in dem crevicals.

by DiabloDorin80 July 23, 2024


On sexy bad bitch, these are tendons between the thigh and calf muscles, upper and inner thigh and Achilles tendons, that get bit while fornicating.

Dayummmmm your girl gots legs for days. I know, Imma be nibbling on them tendies later on tonight.

by DiabloDorin80 July 23, 2024