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Deland is located about 30 west of Daytona. Deland is known for having some of the fakest people nastiest bitches and some of the biggest whore! HOW FUN 😁! Deland is also know for having people who try to act like people they aren’t! Petty and man stealing hoes who like to start drama for no damn reason!

So come visit good ole deland to get in a fight or lose your fucking mind and drag a bitch!

(Watch out for the boys they all look the same and will do anything for pussy! All known for vaping and trying to steal girls from their boyfriends)

G: “Let’s go to deland”
B: “are you kidding me it’s a shit town”

by Dickerson.ster April 5, 2022


Boy hayden is a guy that isn’t the smartest when it come to really anything but is cool and funny and chill but isn’t good with girls especially his girlfriend! Has to have boy in front of his name because you know a girl hayden and a boy hayden and get them mixed up! (Girl hayden is better)

“Oh the least favorite boy HAYDEN, not girl HAYDEN”

by Dickerson.ster April 5, 2022

1👍 1👎


Girl HAYDEN is a girl that is very special cute smart funny gorgeous sexy hot and very fine and has to have girl in front of her name because your bestfriend hayden who’s a boy has the same name! (Girl hayden is better tho)


(which one?)


by Dickerson.ster April 5, 2022


Shark week whoohaha was a word invented by 2 couples! When the guys get there hopes up about sexy time ;) but the girls ruin the week with it being their week :(

B: “Babe you wanna do….”
G: “It’s shark week”

by Dickerson.ster April 5, 2022