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Enough with being politically correct. Fat is any weight above BMI 25. You are FAT when you are FAT. No other words to describe it. You look fat when you have a belly bulging. You eat more than 10,000 calories a day and the exercise you do is walking to the refrigerator to get more food. You have cankles i.e. calf fused with ankles. You have farms i.e. fat arms. You have rolls all over your body.

You use genetics as an excuse for your fat lardy body when everyone knows it is just bullshit you use to deceive your own fat brain. You spew illogical nonsense about eating disorders (which fat people do not have) and get "triggered" (which is complete bullcrap) when someone calls you FAT.

Calling someone fat is a fact. If you are fat, I call you fat. That is a fact. It is not insulting, not hating, not wrong. It is just a fact. The same as calling the sky, sky. The car, a car. The bird, a bird. Only FAT morons think that calling someone "fat" is insulting. You are fat. Why is that so hard to understand?

Fat is bad. Get fit or die fat.

fat fatty fatfuck fat acceptance fatties obese hamplanet obeast

Taylurrr is fat because of she is Obese and has more rolls than a croissant:

"Fat" is a term that is being used more and more often now days.
This word is being thrown around lightly. Fat, or Obese, means to be over sized, or enlarged.
Hollywood portrays that any woman over 100 pounds is "fat".
Genetics, Stress levels, Work habits, etc can effect a persons weight.
Not all "Fat" people can help how big they are. Sure they can increase exercize habits, and eat healthier, but that does not always mean they will get thin.
anybody who uses this word as an insult, is a hateful human being.
by Taylurrr April 11, 2006"

by DieFatFucks February 9, 2015

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