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Plain and simply: Selected guitar melodies.

HORNS UP! ^nn^
KEEP IT SICK AND BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Black Sabbath: IRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
The latter encompasses one of the catchiest riffs ever created.

by Dimmu80 February 9, 2004

68👍 53👎


Sound composed to make you feel something. i.e., enraged, depressed, motivated, silly. (some stuff just makes u wanna bang your head till u pass out ;)

Anything can be considered music, but I say it depends on skill and technicality. genres like pop don't cut it. Jazz damn good. Various genres of metal i.e., black<my fav>, thrash, power,death, speed, heavy, doom, viking, grindcore have great variety and style to them. Rap is fine, but it has to be very profound or its just annoying. hip-hop is good to listen to set the mood during sex ~hehe~. *FYI* Nu-metal is not music. It is just noise with half-assed melody made to satisfy the wannabe hardcore mainstream. ROCK ON

I'm fucking bored like none other. I think I'm going to blast some fucking Children Of Bodom. ~Ahhh. Now THIS IS MUSIC!!!

by Dimmu80 January 31, 2004

42👍 54👎


A gift which we are born with to, at some point, devote to someone worth dying for.

Ironic it seems that we must lastly lose ourselves in order to truely find ourselves...

Too many years have I been floating in the iridescent pool of dreams we call a life. At last I have followed your search light back to its source which ultimatly led me to my safe home, myself, my life, you: Danielle.

I love you <3

by Dimmu80 February 3, 2004

6👍 10👎


Currently my favorite heavy/thrash metal band. Great vocals + Mesmerizing sound + Captivating lyrics=HOLY FUCK!!!

check out Dead Heart In A Dead World.

by Dimmu80 February 2, 2004

118👍 35👎