Acronym for 'get fucked poser'.
You are not really into gay furry
With the resurgence of rightwing authoritarianism in the United States, frequently referred to as "Trumpism", and whose supporters were often known as "Trumpers", from whom a network of violent and treasonous individuals began forming sub-groups who began to coalesce into a paramilitary organization (or loosely affiliated organizations with ties to one another) known to the rest of civilized society as the "Clown Shirts".
Etymologically, and philosophically, linked to the SA or "Sturmabteilung" in German who were themselves the fascist paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party who were colloquially known as the "Brown Shirts".
"I drove past that DeSantis rally last week and saw a bunch of Swastikas and rebel flags being waved around in the crowd. The scariest part was the middle aged, over weight, mouth breathing incels with guns. Man, that place was crawling with Clown Shirts!"