Source Code

Chance of Penetration

Heavily influenced by the Bangometric Pressure. Highly sophisticated survey based on probability that helps to determine the odds of tappin that ass.

Did you see that look in her eye bro? There is a 100% Chance of Penetration tonight.

I blew it when she caught me checking out her mom, now there is a 0% chance of Penetration.

by Discoinsterno November 6, 2014

18👍 1👎

Carrie Understood

When you need to make it clear you got it the first damn time they said it.

Carrie Understood mother fucker! I get it, you don’t have to repeat yourself.

by Discoinsterno July 21, 2020

6👍 3👎

tip balls

When your balls are on the tip of your dick. Everything below the balls is useless.

That guy's got tip balls, he can't satisfy anyone or anything.

I heard he's got tip balls and that's why she's not happy.

You can't do much when you've got tip balls.

by Discoinsterno November 14, 2013

Five C’s

Color, Cut, Clarity, Carat, and the Cunt you buy it for.

Your girl’s gonna love that ring. You got all Five c’s bro! Especially the last one.

by Discoinsterno January 2, 2019

9👍 2👎

Bangometric Pressure

Closely correlates to the chance of penetration. The higher the Bangometric Pressure, the higher the probability of "Getting it on" will be.

Did you feel that? She just checked me out, The Bangometric Pressure in here just got raised.

Man, I talked about my ex too much, I felt the Bangometric Pressure drop.

by Discoinsterno November 6, 2014

Tip Dragger

Giant penis that hangs so low it rubs the ground.

I heard Mandi's boyfriend is a total Tip Dragger. That guy's huge.

by Discoinsterno March 15, 2015

swine on a sign

Similar to a Cop in a Box, Swine on a sign is a police radar gun attached to a speed limit sign

Slammed on my damn brakes when I saw that Swine on a Sign catching me flyin

by Discoinsterno April 18, 2018