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When you facebook status is commented on or liked by someone you and your frineds dont like, the status is rendered moot as no one else will write anything. This occurs particularly when u have a good comment thread going or a really funny status.

Andy: It was like watching a conversation between rainman and and an international student.
Zora and three other ppl like this.
Toad: Haha this is funny
This just got rendered moot u bastard

by Disgruntaled June 13, 2011

18👍 49👎


The improper practice or demeanour of teaching and instructing, common amongst tertiary institutions.

This assessment and accompanying rubric is unpedagogical in nature as it does not correlate to information given earlier nor does it clearly state what is required for the task

by Disgruntaled May 31, 2011

2👍 1👎