You most likely are very bored.
So bored, that, in fact you started sliding your finger across the keyboard, starting at Q.
After that, you slided your finger the other way, on the next line of keys.
Huh? What? Oh yes, you stopped at G for whatever reason!
Student: *Is bored*
Another student: Hey, why not slide your finger across the keyboard? Nothing can go wrong!
Student: Ok, let me try... *Slides finger across keyboard*
That other student: Why did you stop at G?!
Student: Look there!
That other student again: Wait, what? You just summoned a demon by stopping excactly at G! *Runs away and gets eaten*
That demon: Only the person who typed qwertyuioplkjhg shall survive my presence! MWUHAHAHAH!
Ronald Twomp is just my way of making fun of Donald Trump.
Once upon a time, i used Ronald Twomp as my name on snapchat.
How it's used in a sentence:
Me: Hey, I heard that Ronald Twomp is no longer the president!
My friend: Ronald Twomp? Who's that?
Me: Oh, you don't know... that's how I like to say Donald Trump, while also making fun of him!
My friend: There's nothing funny about it, quit saying Ronald Twomp.
Me: *Dies, but said Ronald Twomp as my last word*
My friend: Ok, that's enough! I Don't want to see that name in the church too!