Source Code


You most likely are very bored.
So bored, that, in fact you started sliding your finger across the keyboard, starting at Q.
After that, you slided your finger the other way, on the next line of keys.

Huh? What? Oh yes, you stopped at G for whatever reason!

Student: *Is bored*
Another student: Hey, why not slide your finger across the keyboard? Nothing can go wrong!
Student: Ok, let me try... *Slides finger across keyboard*
That other student: Why did you stop at G?!
Student: Look there!
That other student again: Wait, what? You just summoned a demon by stopping excactly at G! *Runs away and gets eaten*
That demon: Only the person who typed qwertyuioplkjhg shall survive my presence! MWUHAHAHAH!

by Dizzy Knight Exploit User March 2, 2021