A perma is an authority figure, normally a teacher or parent but feared more than others
Perma fuckin scram lads, just leave your bags and blazers
A Cockfest normally consists of large groups of semi naked men drinking and listening to Travis Scott or drake while also fingering each other's sweaty holes
I heard that party was a complete Cockfest, glad I was picking up my cousins dogs son from Tesco
Someone who seems dead set on annoying you or just persistent on making your life hell
The act of shitting, farting, ejaculating, and burping all at once
Ok guys, I just ShidFardCumBurp. Very crazy
Similar to scooped it's used when someone is caught out or is being yelled at.
Some weird looking fat ginger virgin who sells discord rolls for nudes and when he doesn't get them he gets quite upset and throws fits where he often ends up half asleep with a fist in his anus
That ginger cunt meme Jesus has 1.8million followers. Please tell me how that's possible
A mega virgin is someone who either still spends money on fortnite past 1st October 2018 or still considers it good and enjoyable
Half my year at school are all mega virgins
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