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Ashlee, NOT to be confused w/ Ashley is a intelligent woman who is sexy but can appear cold when hurt- yet will walk 2 the end of the earth 4 a lover!

Not naturally beautiful but has a sexy look/ allure. Her atypical beauty somehow always drove men crazy! Her friends literally remark how crazy it is that guys don’t just LIKE her but become OBSESSED w/her! A DOUBLE E can literally get ANY1 they want!

HARD workers w/MANY DEGREES that NONE OF THEM USE. They have B.A.s in Biology- but r bartenders, M.A.’s in psych- but r secretary’s. They may even be dr’s but work 4 their parents?!

EE’s are INDECISIVE & extremely confident, borderline conceited. They tend 2 run in circles of GORGEOUS/EDUCATED & Well OFF- often connecting groups of friends thru clubs/bars!

Ashlee’s are USUALLY Italian & have dark hair/eyes, glowing skin & small symmetrical features, along w/ the most beautiful hair!

Overall they CAN have CRAZY tempers but u may find urself falling in love QUICK! She is SO unique she’ll NEVER let U forget HER. There R moments u spent w/her that u’ll remember 4 the rest of ur life (even if ur NOW happy, shh).

There’s always a song that reminds u of her- no matter what song it is- listen 2 the words! Words hold gr8 meaning 2 EE’s!

There always will be something about a EE that leave MEN powerless & UNATTRACTIVE overweight & irrelevant women still cringe w/ jealousy & hate- yet secretly love 2 keep tabs/stalk her online & binge eat 2 her ‘seemingly’ perfect life; karma !

“Ashlee is and always will be the love of my life”!

Brian S****** (I was her 10th grade boyfriend) I am now an investment banker & 4-6 of my friends are in agreement she was ALWAYS the ONE who got away!

DON’T let it happen to you BRO!!!

by Dolphins0469 January 13, 2022